Durham Intermediate Jan 231 min readPay Attention to Attendance!Families play a key role in ensuring that students are able access their education and understand why attendance is so crucial for success in school. We encourage you to read this handout to learn more about this!https://www.attendanceworks.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/06/MiddleHigh_handout_111122.pdf
Families play a key role in ensuring that students are able access their education and understand why attendance is so crucial for success in school. We encourage you to read this handout to learn more about this!https://www.attendanceworks.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/06/MiddleHigh_handout_111122.pdf
School refusal: children and teenagers, and what you can do to helphttps://raisingchildren.net.au/school-age/school-learning/school-refusal/school-refusal
Chronic Absenteeism - a hidden educational crisishttps://www2.ed.gov/datastory/chronicabsenteeism.html
What can parents do to help attendance?https://sbo.nn.k12.va.us/military/doc/1_parent-one-pager-why-attendance-matters.pdf Retrieved from Attendance Works.